Problem Statements

✓ Mechanization of hilly agriculture, horticulture, protected cultivation, apiary, livestock, poultry, and fishery
✓ Gender friendly small farm mechanization including powered multifunctional equipment
✓ Add on, cost-effective technologies for enhancing the efficiency of existing agro-machineries.

✓ Variable Rate Technology (VRT) & Robotics
✓ Precision livestock farming and aquaculture
✓ Data analytics and digital extension including market intelligence

✓ Cost-effective sensor-based real-time monitoring & management of storage and transport system
✓ IT-based agriculture logistics including custom hiring services

Development of biodegradable and smart packaging materials
✓ Environment-friendly cost-effective mobile technologies at the farm gate for processing and value addition
✓ Manufacturing of functional, ethnic, alternate plant-based food and consumer products

✓ Ex-situ and in-situ management of agri-residues
✓ Innovative products from agro-residues